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Added in v0.7.0

Make a randomly chosen part of the audio silent. Inspired by

Input-output example

Here we silence a part of a speech recording.

Input-output waveforms and spectrograms

Input sound Transformed sound

Usage example

from audiomentations import TimeMask

transform = TimeMask(

augmented_sound = transform(my_waveform_ndarray, sample_rate=16000)

TimeMask API

min_band_part: float • range: [0.0, 1.0]
Default: 0.0. Minimum length of the silent part as a fraction of the total sound length.
max_band_part: float • range: [0.0, 1.0]
Default: 0.5. Maximum length of the silent part as a fraction of the total sound length.
fade: bool
Default: False. When set to True, add a linear fade in and fade out of the silent part. This can smooth out an unwanted abrupt change between two consecutive samples (which sounds like a transient/click/pop).
p: float • range: [0.0, 1.0]
Default: 0.5. The probability of applying this transform.