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Added in v0.18.0, updated in v0.21.0

Apply band-pass filtering to the input audio. Filter steepness (6/12/18... dB / octave) is parametrized. Can also be set for zero-phase filtering (will result in a 6 dB drop at cutoffs).

Input-output example

Here we input a high-quality speech recording and apply BandPassFilter with a center frequency of 2500 Hz and a bandwidth fraction of 0.8, which means that the bandwidth in this example is 2000 Hz, so the low frequency cutoff is 1500 Hz and the high frequency cutoff is 3500 Hz. One can see in the spectrogram that the high and the low frequencies are both attenuated in the output. If you listen to the audio example, you might notice that the transformed output almost sounds like a phone call from the time when phone audio was narrowband and mostly contained frequencies between ~300 and ~3400 Hz.

Input-output waveforms and spectrograms

Input sound Transformed sound

Usage example

from audiomentations import BandPassFilter

transform = BandPassFilter(min_center_freq=100.0, max_center_freq=6000, p=1.0)

augmented_sound = transform(my_waveform_ndarray, sample_rate=48000)

BandPassFilter API

min_center_freq: float • unit: hertz
Default: 200.0. Minimum center frequency in hertz
max_center_freq: float • unit: hertz
Default: 4000.0. Maximum center frequency in hertz
min_bandwidth_fraction: float • range: [0.0, 2.0]
Default: 0.5. Minimum bandwidth relative to center frequency
max_bandwidth_fraction: float • range: [0.0, 2.0]
Default: 1.99. Maximum bandwidth relative to center frequency
min_rolloff: float • unit: Decibels/octave
Default: 12. Minimum filter roll-off (in dB/octave). Must be a multiple of 6
max_rolloff: float • unit: Decibels/octave
Default: 24. Maximum filter roll-off (in dB/octave) Must be a multiple of 6
zero_phase: bool
Default: False. Whether filtering should be zero phase. When this is set to True it will not affect the phase of the input signal but will sound 3 dB lower at the cutoff frequency compared to the non-zero phase case (6 dB vs. 3 dB). Additionally, it is 2 times slower than in the non-zero phase case. If you absolutely want no phase distortions (e.g. want to augment an audio file with lots of transients, like a drum track), set this to True.
p: float • range: [0.0, 1.0]
Default: 0.5. The probability of applying this transform.