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Added in v0.23.0

A ShoeBox Room Simulator. Simulates a cuboid of parametrized size and average surface absorption coefficient. It also includes a source and microphones in parametrized locations.

Use it when you want a ton of synthetic room impulse responses of specific configurations characteristics or simply to quickly add reverb for augmentation purposes

RoomSimulator API

min_size_x: float • unit: meters
Default: 3.6. Minimum width (x coordinate) of the room in meters
max_size_x: float • unit: meters
Default: 5.6. Maximum width of the room in meters
min_size_y: float • unit: meters
Default: 3.6. Minimum depth (y coordinate) of the room in meters
max_size_y: float • unit: meters
Default: 3.9. Maximum depth of the room in meters
min_size_z: float • unit: meters
Default: 2.4. Minimum height (z coordinate) of the room in meters
max_size_z: float • unit: meters
Default: 3.0. Maximum height of the room in meters
min_absorption_value: float

Default: 0.075. Minimum absorption coefficient value. When calculation_mode is "absorption" it will set the given coefficient value for the surfaces of the room (walls, ceilings, and floor). This coefficient takes values between 0 (fully reflective surface) and 1 (fully absorbing surface).

Example values (may differ!):

Environment Coefficient value
Studio with acoustic panels > 0.40
Office / Library ~ 0.15
Factory ~ 0.05
max_absorption_value: float
Default: 0.4. Maximum absorption coefficient value. See min_absorption_value for more info.
min_target_rt60: float • unit: seconds

Default: 0.15. Minimum target RT60. RT60 is defined as the measure of the time after the sound source ceases that it takes for the sound pressure level to reduce by 60 dB. When calculation_mode is "rt60", it tries to set the absorption value of the surfaces of the room to achieve a target RT60 (in seconds). Note that this parameter changes only the materials (absorption coefficients) of the surfaces, not the dimension of the rooms.

Example values (may differ!):

Environment RT60
Recording studio 0.3 s
Office 0.5 s
Concert hall 1.5 s
max_target_rt60: float • unit: seconds
Default: 0.8. Maximum target RT60. See min_target_rt60 for more info.
min_source_x: float • unit: meters
Default: 0.1. Minimum x location of the source
max_source_x: float • unit: meters
Default: 3.5. Maximum x location of the source
min_source_y: float • unit: meters
Default: 0.1. Minimum y location of the source
max_source_x: float • unit: meters
Default: 2.7. Maximum y location of the source
min_source_z: float • unit: meters
Default: 1.0. Minimum z location of the source
max_source_x: float • unit: meters
Default: 2.1. Maximum z location of the source
min_mic_distance: float • unit: meters
Default: 0.15. Minimum distance of the microphone from the source in meters
max_mic_distance: float • unit: meters
Default: 0.35. Maximum distance of the microphone from the source in meters
min_mic_azimuth: float • unit: radians
Default: -math.pi. Minimum azimuth (angle around z axis) of the microphone relative to the source.
max_mic_azimuth: float • unit: radians
Default: math.pi. Maximum azimuth (angle around z axis) of the microphone relative to the source.
min_mic_elevation: float • unit: radians
Default: -math.pi. Minimum elevation of the microphone relative to the source, in radians.
max_mic_elevation: float • unit: radians
Default: math.pi. Maximum elevation of the microphone relative to the source, in radians.
calculation_mode: str • choices: "rt60", "absorption"
Default: "absorption". When set to "absorption", it will create the room with surfaces based on min_absorption_value and max_absorption_value. If set to "rt60" it will try to assign surface materials that lead to a room impulse response with target rt60 given by min_target_rt60 and max_target_rt60
use_ray_tracing: bool
Default: True. Whether to use ray_tracing or not (slower but much more accurate). Disable this if you need speed but do not really care for incorrect results.
max_order: int • range: [1, ∞)

Default: 1. Maximum order of reflections for the Image Source Model. E.g. a value of 1 will only add first order reflections while a value of 12 will add a diffuse reverberation tail.


Placing this higher than 11-12 will result in a very slow augmentation process when calculation_mode="rt60".


When using calculation_mode="rt60", keep it around 3-4.

leave_length_unchanged: bool
Default: False. When set to True, the tail of the sound (e.g. reverb at the end) will be chopped off so that the length of the output is equal to the length of the input.
padding: float • unit: meters
Default: 0.1. Minimum distance in meters between source or mic and the room walls, floor or ceiling.
p: float • range: [0.0, 1.0]
Default: 0.5. The probability of applying this transform.
ray_tracing_options: Optional[Dict]
Default: None. Options for the ray tracer. See set_ray_tracing here: