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Added in v0.4.0

Pitch shift the sound up or down without changing the tempo.

You can choose between method="signalsmith_stretch" and method="librosa_phase_vocoder". If you need other pitch shifting methods, consider the following alternatives:

Input-output example

Here we pitch down a piano recording by 4 semitones, using the signalsmith_stretch method:

Input-output waveforms and spectrograms

Input sound Transformed sound

Usage example

from audiomentations import PitchShift

transform = PitchShift(

augmented_sound = transform(my_waveform_ndarray, sample_rate=44100)

PitchShift API

min_semitones: float • unit: semitones • range: [-24.0, 24.0]
Default: -4.0. Minimum semitones to shift. A negative number means shift down.
max_semitones: float • unit: semitones • range: [-24.0, 24.0]
Default: 4.0. Maximum semitones to shift. A positive number means shift up.
backend: str • choices: "librosa_phase_vocoder", "signalsmith_stretch"

Default: "signalsmith_stretch".

  • "signalsmith_stretch": Use signalsmith-stretch. Pros: 50-100% faster than librosa_phase_vocoder, and provides significantly higher audio quality. Con: Does not support more than 2 channels (stereo).
  • "librosa_phase_vocoder": Use librosa.effects.pitch_shift, which performs time stretching (by phase vocoding) followed by resampling. Pro: Supports any number of channels. Con: phase vocoding can significantly degrade the audio quality by "smearing" transient sounds, altering the timbre of harmonic sounds, and distorting pitch modulations. This may result in a loss of sharpness, clarity, or naturalness in the transformed audio.
p: float • range: [0.0, 1.0]
Default: 0.5. The probability of applying this transform.

Source code
